Prayer Letter January 2024
Dear Friend,
“For if thou altogether holdest thy peace
at this time, then shall there enlargement and deliverance arise to
the Jews from another place; but thou and thy father's house shall
be destroyed: and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom
for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14 KJV)
“It is probable God hath raised thee to this honour for this very season. We should every one of us consider, for what end God has put us in the place where we are? And when an opportunity offers of serving God and our generation, we must take care not to let it slip.” John Wesley Commentary
“Got questions – Esther was a Jewish maiden who was taken into the royal court of King Xerxes and eventually chosen to be queen of Persia. She was integral in delivering the Jews from destruction, an event celebrated in the Feast of Purim. The Bible makes it clear that Esther was placed in her influential position ‘for such a time as this’—God’s purpose was accomplished through Esther in the perilous time in which she lived.” (
What has God raised you up to do at this moment in time? Search your heart and soul. “For such a time as this,” Christians are needed.

We introduce our newest Paris Reidhead Bible Teaching Ministries Board Member, Mrs. Sue Segar.
Sue Segar, a graphic designer, graduated from the Art Institute of Philadelphia in 1986; married and moved to Suburbs of Baltimore/Washington DC, and then Eastern Shore of Maryland.
My relationship with BTMI began with the request in 1994 from Marjorie Reidhead to design a cover for the book, Finding the Reality of God . . . Prior to this request, I was personally introduced to Marjorie by her daughter, Virginia Teitt whom I became dear friends with in early 1992, shortly before the death of her father, and Marjorie’s husband, Paris W. Reidhead.
As a young married 20-something, new to the area and in need of friends, I began attending the little local church of which Virginia (Ginny to me) and her family of 9 attended. Ginny was the Sunday school teacher, and somehow convinced me I could and should teach instead. Because - even though I knew nothing about teaching or Bible Lessons, at that time in my life - most of the time, her kids made up the whole Sunday school class - and as she explained it to me, she could stay home and do the same thing.
I vividly remember teaching the little-ones one Sunday and her 6 year old daughter had the Spiritual Maturity that spoke to me with such Godly Grace, I knew what Jesus meant when he said, “Let the little Children come to me and do not hinder such as these” - It was just such an encounter that encouraged me as a “Baby Christian” to walk with Child-like faith and to realize we are all like children no matter our chronological age - I managed teaching that Sunday School class, followed by VBS, and other volunteer work with and without youth in that church, and beyond!
Ginny and her family moved to Ohio within a couple years after that. In addition to settling her mother, Marjorie N. Reidhead, to the area, and making sure BTMI would carry-on there, my husband, newborn son and future daughter would be treated as family. Miss. Marjorie as we lovingly called her, shared many holidays as well as her loving insight both Biblically and in general.
Though I never had the opportunity to meet Paris W. Reidhead, to have had the pleasure of a close friendship with some of his family, I have surely gleaned many valuable lessons from his teaching.

Sue and Wanda have been working together for the last 4 years putting together and reissuing “Evidences of Eternal Life”. We incorporated the original sermons preached in 1988 at Bethany Fellowship by Pastor Reidhead. We also added Pastor Reidhead’s original questions he developed for this book at the end of each chapter. The new cover is by Sue Segar.

Evidences of Eternal Life - By Paris Reidhead - The purpose of this book is to help a believer to continue to grow in their walk with Jesus Christ. Pastor Paris Reidhead takes us through I John step by step to discover what God has written in the Bible about the Evidences of Eternal Life.
In 2014, PRBTMI met a dear friend named Michael McPherson. He, by the Lord’s direction, created this book and sent us a copy, which arrived a day we were having our annual Board Meeting. We were surprised, amazed, and grateful to Michael for the work he had done. Due to a pricing concern and other issues, we have chosen to republish this book on Amazon with the other PRBTMI books. Michael graciously agreed to this move.With this move we can drop the price by $5.00 a copy. We added questions at the end of each chapter in order to deepen faith in our Lord.

The Greatest Sermon of the 20th Century - By Paris Reidhead - Brother Paris Reidhead was a prophet, watchman, missionary, pastor, teacher, and gifted preacher. A man called by the Lord to deliver the uncompromising message of the Gospel. This book has ten compelling sermons preacher by Brother Reidhead.
We gave Michael another book project in 2014, because he was very familiar with self-publishing. He created this book using Pastor Reidhead’s sermons. Michael did a wonderful job and again we are very grateful for his service to the Lord and this ministry. If you would like to learn more about Michael and his work, please visit
For the same reason stated above, we have chosen to republish this book at Amazon. Both new covers are by Sue Segar. Thank you Michael for all you have done for the Lord and PRBTMI.

Unveiling God's Church - By Paris Reidhead - In Unveiling God's Church, a compilation of nine of Brother Reidhead's sermons on the first three chapters of the Book of Revelation, we gain deep insights on how we should think about the Church, the Body and Bride of Christ. We learn the only reason for the Church existing is to glorify the Lord through the lives of its members and to bring Him honor, fame, praise and love. We learn job number one of the preacher is to deliver to the Lord a Bride pleasing to Him.
We also have these three books available at Or you may visit our website for a link to each book under “Ministry Materials” tab.

Finding The Reality of God - By Paris Reidhead - The purpose of this book is to help one understand the true meaning and necessity of godly repentance and to show one how to take part in the abundant life that flows from the Holy God.

A Paris Reidhead Reader - Three Classic Sermons - Not to be Wasted, God's Plan for Your Life, and Ten Shekels and A Shirt.

Beyond Believing & Beyond Petition - "Beyond Believing" - declares five great Imperatives: The Great Commandment, The Great Call, The Great Commitment, The Great Leading, and The Great Judgement. It focuses on the necessity for wholehearted allegiance to Christ. "Beyond Petition" - is a masterpiece work about six steps to successful prayer. "The prayer of affirmation, the prayer of confession, the prayer of thanksgiving, the prayer of praise, the prayer of wisdom, and the prayer of faith. There should be such an increase in our own personal relationship with God that we are going on from prayer victory to prayer victory.
As always, we stand on Matthew 10:8, “…freely ye have received, freely give,” we can send books and materials free of charge.
“The Lord bless thee, and keep thee: The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace. And they shall put my name upon the children of Israel; and I will bless them.” Numbers 6:24-27
In Christ,
Virginia Reidhead Teitt
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